沿岸域の地質・活断層調査研究報告 トップへ

平成23年度沿岸域の地質・活断層調査研究報告(地質調査総合センター速報, no.59, 134p, 2012)

(地質調査総合センター速報, no.59, 134p, 2012)
only Japanese
(1) 2011 年東北地方太平洋沖地震の津波に関する緊急調査 (宍倉正展・藤原 治・澤井祐紀・行谷佑一・谷川晃一朗)

(1) Emergency survey of tsunami associated with the 2011 Off-Tohoku Earthquake (Masanobu Shishikura, Osamu Fujiwara, Yuki Sawai, Yuichi Namegaya and Koichiro Tanigawa)
(2) 三陸沖海底堆積物最表層に認められた地震/津波イベント堆積物 (池原 研・宇佐見和子・ロバート ジェンキンズ・芦寿一郎・入野智久)

(2) The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake and tsunami event deposits found in off Sanriku surface sediments (Ken Ikehara, Kazuko Usami, Robert Jenkins, Juichiro Ashi and Tomohisa Irino)
(3) 海溝型地震履歴解明の研究 (宍倉正展・藤原 治・澤井祐紀・行谷佑一・谷川晃一朗)

(3) Study of subduction zone paleoearthquakes (Masanobu Shishikura, Osamu Fujiwara, Yuki Sawai, Yuichi Namegaya and Koichiro Tanigawa)
(4) 石狩低地東縁断層帯南部における反射法地震探査 (横倉隆伸・山口和雄・岡田真介)

(4) Seismic Reflection Survey across the Southern Part of the Eastern Boundary Fault Zone of the Ishikari Lowland, Hokkaido, Japan (Takanobu Yokokura, Kazuo Yamaguchi and Shinsuke Okada)
(5) MDRS 法による苫小牧86 測線反射法データの再解析 (山口和雄・阿部 進・横倉隆伸・岡田真介)

(5) Re-processing of Tomakomai86 seismic reflection data by MDRS method (Kazuo Yamaguchi, Susumu Abe, Takanobu Yokokura and Shinsuke Okada)
(6) 群馬県館林市における地震波干渉法実験 (伊藤 忍・山口和雄)

(6) Seismic Interferometry at Tatebayashi, Gunma (Shinobu Ito and Kazuo Yamaguchi)
(7) 苫小牧沖の重力データの編集 (駒澤正夫・大熊茂雄・上嶋正人)

(7) Gravity Data Compilation of Coastal Area of Tomakomai, Hokkaido (Masao Komazawa, Shigeo Okuma and Masato Joushima)
(8) ボーリングによる勇払平野沿岸の活構造調査 (小松原純子・小松原 琢)

(8) The boring survey across the possible active fault along the Yufutsu coastal lowland, Hokkaido Island, northern Japan (Junko Komatsubara and Taku Komatsubara)
(9) 関東平野沿岸域の浅層地盤モデル(速報) -沖積層基底面のサーフェスモデルとその作成手法- (木村克己・花島裕樹・石原与四郎・西山昭一)

(9) Geologic model of shallow-ground and its method in the Kanto Plain : A surface model of the Chuseki-so basal plane and its methodology (Katsumi Kimura, Yuki Hanashima, Yoshiro Ishihara and Shoichi Nishiyama)
(10) 日本周辺海域の反射断面データベースの復旧と代替システムの構築 (佐藤智之・岡村行信・荒井晃作)

(10) Recovery of database of seismic profile and backup system (Tomoyuki Sato, Yukinobu Okamura and Kohsaku Arai)
(11) 堆積平野の水理地質環境 (内田洋平・町田 功・井川怜欧・吉岡真弓・越谷 賢・丸井敦尚・丸谷 薫・徳永貴大・利部 慎・嶋田 純)

(11) Hydrogeological environment in the sedimentary basin (Youhei Uchida, Isao Machida, Reo Ikawa, Mayumi Yoshioka, Masaru Koshigai, Atsunao Marui, Kaoru Marutani, Takahiro Tokunaga, Makoto Kagabu and Jun Shimada)