地質調査総合センター研究資料集、no. 742

Overview and analysis of geophysical loggings conducted at 3 boreholes of AIST integrated groundwater observation station in Hidakagawa Town, Wakayama Prefecture, southwestern Japan

木口 努*1・北川有一*1・松本則夫*1

*1産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター 活断層・火山研究部門

KIGUCHI Tsutomu*1, KITAGAWA Yuichi*1and MATSUMOTO Norio*1

*1Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST





木口 努・北川有一・松本則夫(2023)産総研日高川和佐観測点における物理検層の概要と解析結果.地質調査総合センター研究資料集,no.742,産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター.


 We summarized the overview and analysis results of the geophysical loggings conducted in the boreholes drilled at AIST integrated observation station in Hidakagawa Town, Wakayama Prefecture, southwestern Japan. A total of 12 types of logging were carried out in 3 boreholes. The measurement and analysis results for each logging were explained. Especially as examples of analysis using geophysical logging data, we showed the permeability evaluation and the estimation of the stress orientation in detail.


KIGUCHI Tsutomu, KITAGAWA Yuichi and MATSUMOTO Norio (2023) Overview and analysis of geophysical loggings conducted at 3 boreholes of AIST integrated groundwater observation station in Hidakagawa Town, Wakayama Prefecture, southwestern Japan. Open-File Report of the Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, no.742, 47p.