

No.263 Geologic Evolution, Resources and Geologic Hazards — International Centennial Symposium of the Gological Survey of Japan Shimazaki Y. (Ed.) No263.pdf(30MB)
Geological Evolution of Asia
Gondwana geology of Indian plate: its history of fragmentation and dispersion Datta N. R. and Mitra N. D.
The last 2000 million years in eastern Asia: Yanshanian subduction and post-Yanshanian extension Terman M. J.
Was there a north New Guinea plate ? Seno Tetsuzo
Fundamental frameworks of arcs in the Pacific rim Honza Eiichi
Energy Resources (Geothermal)
Geology and geothermal resources in northern Thailand Chuaviroj S. and Chaturongkawanich S.
Geothermal exploration in Kenya with special reference to Eburru prospect Wairegi W. J.
Philippine geothermal resources: an alterative indigenous energy Datuin R. and Troncales A. C.
Geothermal exploration in Japan Ogawa Katsuro
Energy Resources (Fossil Fuels)
Non-marine petroleum geology in China Wang Fuqing
Petroleum geological features and technical problems related to hydrocarbon exploration in Japan — geological problems in island arc systems — Inoma Akitoshi
Deep-sea basins in Indonesia Witoelar L., Achmad Z. and Reymond A.
Preliminary report on characteristics of coal in some continental and island arc region Fujii Keizo
Mineral Resources
Granitoid series and Mo/W-Sn mineralization in East Asia Ishihara Shunso
Geology and tectonic setting of copper and chromite deposits of the Philippines Zanoria A. S., Domingo E. G., Bacuta G. C. and Almeda R. L.
The geology and economic significance of tin deposits in west Malaysia Chung S. K.
Tungsten snd molybdenum ore deposits in South Korea Kim W. J.
Carbonatites and associated mineral deposits in Brazil Berbert C. O.
Geologic Hazards
Man-induced land subsidence, sea-level rise and coastal protection Oele E.
The significance of explosive volcanism in the perhistory of Japan Machida Hiroshi
Volcanoes and volcanic hazards in Papua New Guinea Lowenstein P. L. and Talai B.
The importance of an international earthquake data bank Lee W. H. K.
Excavation survey of active faults for earthquake prediction in Japan with special reference to the Ukihashi central fault and the Atera fault Tsukuda Eikichi and Yamazaki Haruo
Special Lecture
Geological structure and evolution of continental margins Hinz K.