Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.47 No.6 (1996)

Table of Contents

AMS14C ages of cored material collected from central to southeastern Japan Sea Ken IKEHARA, Hajime KATAYAMA and Takeshi NAKAJIMA (309-316) 47-06_01.pdf(791KB)
Geologic age of the Nakagawa Group in the Motegi area, Tochigi Prefecture: Tectonic significance Masaki TAKAHASHI and Hiroyuki HOSHI (317-333) 47-06_02.pdf(3,040KB)
Eruptive history of Bandai volcano, NE Japan, based on tephrastratigraphy Takahiro YAMAMOTO and Shigeru SUTO (335-359) 47-06_03.pdf(7,357KB)
[ Short article ]
The highest borehole temperature of (449℃)determined by melting of pure metal tellurium ; WD-1a, Kakkonda geothermal system, Japan
Masakatsu SASADA, Takayuki SAWAKI, Hirofumi MURAOKA, Ken IKEUCHI, Nobuo DOI, Masahiko YAGI and Munetake SASAKI (361-364) 47-06_04.pdf(776KB)