Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.46 No.9 (1995)

Table of Contents

Gold mineralization at the GSJ drill hole in the Noya geothermal area, northeastern Kyushu, Japan Yuichi MORISHITA (449-456) 46-09_01.pdf(932KB)
Large coastal cliff recession at the sourheastern part of Niijima Island, central Japan Ichiyo ISOBE and Akira YASUDA (457-475) 46-09_02.pdf(3,616KB)
nalytical method for measuring atmospheric light nonmethane hydrocarbons Shin-ichiro IGARI (477-481) 46-09_03.pdf(429KB)
Relocation of microearthquakes in the Kakkonda (Takinoue) Geothermal Field Toshiyuki TOSHA, Mituhiko SUGIHARA and Yuji NISHI (483-495) 46-09_04.pdf(1,585KB)
A study document collection 46-09_05.pdf(562KB)