Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.44 No.12 (1993)

Table of Contents

Special issue:Studies of Permian / Triassic boundary in pelagic sediments (Part 3)

Chemical composition of the “Toishi-type” siliceous shale – Part 1 – Makoto MUSASHINO (699-705) 44-12_01.pdf(803KB)
Organic geochemical implications of black shales related to the Permian/Triassic boundary, Tanba Belt, Southwest Japan Noriyuki SUZUKI, Kotaro ISHIDA and Hiroaki ISHIGA (707-720) 44-12_02.pdf(1,898KB)
Oceanic pollution at the Permian-Triassic boundary in pelagic condition from carbon and sulfur stable isotopic excursion, Southwest Japan Hiroaki ISHIGA, Kotaro ISHIDA, Yoshikazu SAMPEI, Makoto MUSASHINO, Satoshi YAMAKITA, Yoshimichi KAJIWARA and Toshiro MORIKIYO (721-726) 44-12_03.pdf(569KB)
Occurrence of siliceous claystone and associated greenstone in the Mino-Tamba Belt Katsumi KIMURA and Satoshi NAKAE (727-743) 44-12_04.pdf(8,932KB)