Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.35 No.4 (1984)

Table of Contents

Study on the Ibaragi granitic complex – some physical properties – Hiroshi KANAYA, Tamotsu NOZAWA and Yoshiaki TAINOSHO (147-157) 35-04_01.pdf(1,084KB)
Radiometric ages of the Neogene in central eastern Shimane prefecture, Japan, and their implications in stratigraphic correlation Kazuhiko KANO and Fumio YOSHIDA (159-170) 35-04_02.pdf(1,758KB)
Determination of Major and Minor Elements on the Six GSJ Rock Reference Samples Shigeru TERASHIMA, Takashi YAMASHIGE and Atsushi ANDO (171-177) 35-04_03.pdf(699KB)
Abstracts for Geological Survey Seminar, No. 162
“Quaternary geology of Kanto Plain” – place of deposition and crustal movement –
(171-188) 35-04_04.pdf(1,363KB)