Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.34 No.5 (1983)

Table of Contents

Geomorphological development in the eastern Seto Inland Sea Koji ONODERA and Kazuo OHSHIMA (217-239) 34-05_01.pdf(2,352KB)
Some experiments and problems on fission-track dating of geologically younger-age samples : with special reference to several volcanic ash layers in Kazusa and Shimosa Groups, Boso Peninsula, central Japan Shuichi TOKUHASHI, Toru DANHARA, Hidenori ENDO, Kunitoshi ISODA and Susumu NISHIMURA (241-269) 34-05_02.pdf(9,732KB)
Abstracts for Geological Survey Seminar. No. 157
Geology of the Pacific Coastal provinces, northeast Japan
(271-278) 34-05_03.pdf(1,282KB)