Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.33 No.4 (1982)

Table of Contents

Mesozoic sedimentary rocks containing allochthonous blocks, Gujo-hachiman, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan Koji WAKITA and Yukinobu OKAMURA (161-185) 33-04_01.pdf(18,709KB)
Geochemical study of the Permian carbonate rocks from the Kuzuu district, Tochigi Prefecture, central Japan Tadashi FUJINUKI, Toshio IGARASHI and Chieko HOSOGOE (187-206) 33-04_02.pdf(3,774KB)
Abstracts for Geological Survey Seminar, No. 150
Recent researches on some Japanese volcanoes and volcanic rocks (with slides of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens)
(207-213) 33-04_03.pdf(863KB)