Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.31 No.8 (1980)

Table of Contents

A study on minor shore forms developed at tidal flat using color aerial photography ; Case study in Nakatsu coast, Oita Prefecture Kashiro NISHIMURA, Kyuya MATSUNO and Ichiyo ISOBE (357-367) 31-08_01.pdf(2,701KB)
Uranium and thorium contents of Mesozoic granites from Peninsular Thailand Shunso ISHIHARA and Tsunekazu MOCHIZUKI (369-376) 31-08_02.pdf(733KB)
Ground temperature surveys and thermal discharge measurements at Southern Kirishima geothermal areas Kozo YUHARA and Keisuke USHIJIMA (377-397) 31-08_03.pdf(2,381KB)
[ Translation ]
Fundamental problems of the modern mineralogy, related to a practical geological survey
A. I. GINZBURG (399-409)
translator : Fumio KISHIMOTO