Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.27 No.6 (1976)

Table of Contents

Mineralization of late Neogene Tertiary to Quaternary period related to the formation of sulphur, iron-sulphide and limonite ores in Hokkaido, Japan Teruaki IGARASHI (379-415) 27-06_01.pdf(6,827KB)
Determination of micro-amounts of silver in rocks by atomic adsorption spectrometry with a carbon tube atomizer Shigeru TERASHIMA (417-423) 27-06_02.pdf(756KB)
X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of Major Elements in Rocks and Minerals
Part 2. Quantitative analysis by linear calibration method
Teiko OHMORI (425-442) 27-06_03.pdf(1,743KB)
[ Short article ]
Molluscan Fossils from Alluvial Deposits near Tanabu, Shimokita Peninsula, Northeast Japan
Toru SAKAMOTO (443-444) 27-06_04.pdf(5,524KB)