Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan Vol.24 No.6 (1973)

Table of Contents

Influence of Silica Contents in Hydrothermal Kaolin Synthesis Isao TAKASHIMA (261-267) 24-06_01.pdf(1,669KB)
Lateral Chemical Variation of the Granitic and Metamorphic Rocks across the Central Abukuma Highland – With emphasis on the contents of uranium, thorium, and potassium Shunso ISHIHARA, Hitoshi HATTORI, Yukio SAKAMAKI, Hiroshi KANAYA, Taisei SATO, Tsunekazu MOCHIZUKI and Shigeru TERASHIMA (269-284) 24-06_02.pdf(7,241KB)
Distribution of Cobalt in Pyrites from Some Cupriferous Pyrite Deposits, With Special Reference to Its Relationship to Metamorphic Grade Shiro ITOH (285-310) 24-06_03.pdf(3,723KB)
[ Notes ] (311-317) 24-06_04.pdf(1,030KB)
Information of new arrival foreign documents (319-326) 24-06_05.pdf(6,482KB)