カテゴリー: 地質標本
撮影者: 辻野  匠
 この化石は翅脈と伸長した卵管から判断して,ヒメバチの一種である. 卵管は,他の幼虫に卵を生みつけ寄生させるために使用され,人を刺すことはない.栃木県塩原町の木の葉化石園から,このような昆虫の化石を多量に産しており,世界的に貴重な化石産地であるにもかかわらず, この標本を含め,ほとんどの昆虫化石は記載されていない.木の葉化石園収蔵標本.撮影は園主加藤信夫氏のご好意により許可していただいた (写真の前翅の端から端までの長さは約2cm).
Fossil Sawfly
This is a fossil insect sawfly, Hymenoptera. Its wing and sting morphology implies that this insect is classified into female of ichneumon flies: Ichneumoidea, which lay an egg into an worm body with her sting for parasitising worm, not for stinging human or mammals.This specimen was collected from the mudstone of Shiobara Fossil Museum, Tochigi Pref. This site yields abundant and many kinds of well-preserved fossils, i.e. insects, spiders, leaves, flower, fishes, frogs and mice. Therefore, Shiobara is ranked as a well-known fossilsite. Most of fossil insects, however, have not yet been described. This insect has also not yet.Under permission of Kato Nobuo, the director of the fossil museum. Width of this insect is ca. 2cm.